David Luke
A Simple Guide to 1031 Exchange In Commercial Real Estate

Learn how to potentially save money on capital gain when selling your commercial property through a 1031 exchange program.
The Difference in SBA 504 Commercial Real Estate Loan and SBA 7(A) Loans

If you need a loan to invest in growing your small business, it is good to have options—and you do. For example, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) offers its SBA 504 loan and its SBA 7(a) loan. Both have advantages.
But to benefit, you must choose the right loan for your project, your financial circumstances, and your timeframe. Let’s look first at the broadest differences … Read More
Non Recourse Versus Recourse in Commercial Real Estate Finance

As a commercial real estate investor seeking a loan, you have lots of choices of loan terms. That is a good problem to have but at first, it can be a bit overwhelming. Just find the right commercial real estate lender, and they will work with you to craft a loan that comfortably fits your individual situation.
One of the first and most important choices … Read More
What are Carve-Out Guarantees In Commercial Mortgages?

In 2021, commercial real estate loans valued over $2,000 billion. Businesses across the country turn to these loans to help them secure the property they need to build their organization and begin to generate revenue and profit.
For a while, non-recourse commercial real estate loans were being called “a vanishing species.” Now, larger commercial banks and life insurance companies, among others, are making … Read More
Top 10 Software tools every Commercial Real Estate Investor Needs in 2024

Investing in commercial real estate, such as office buildings, industrial parks, hotels and developments, is a good way to diversify your financial portfolio. This has rarely been more important. In this uncertain economic climate, having steady, monthly rental income can help you ride the tumult likely in the stock market during this recession.
However, finding good properties in which to invest, determining the property’s value … Read More
Understanding Defeasance in Commercial Mortgage

When you are planning to purchase a commercial property, you may discover that you have a variety of loan options. The traditional commercial mortgage is not always a good fit for your goals or plans for the property. Furthermore, you may find that in a traditional loan, you are not able to repay the debt in a timely manner. That may … Read More
Your Guide to Real Estate Debt Funds in Commercial Real Estate

One of the most positive things to come out of or get fine-tuned from the financial crash of 2008 was the rise of what is called real estate debt funds. Real estate debt funds connect borrowers, which, more usual than naught, are developers to short-term funding capital. This funding is used for commercial real estate projects that range from shopping centers to multi-family buildings.
It … Read More
How to Expertly Handle Delinquent Tenants: The Essential Guide

Look: The US unemployment rate increased to 3.7% in May 2023. Needless to say, unemployment is at its highest level since the Great Depression. As if that’s not enough to deal with, you have to wonder if your tenants will pay rent. If your tenants can’t (or won’t) pay rent, how can you meet your financial obligations?
The good news is that you … Read More
Maximize Your Investment with Commercial Loan Refinance

Ultra-high net worth investors understand the fundamental value of cash flowing commercial real estate. They know that real estate is finite and there’s only so much to go around. They also know that streams of passive income will build empowerment over their time, and ultimately makes them financially free. Everyone starts somewhere and no one starts out as a millionaire. Wealth is built over … Read More